Monday, February 28, 2011

Book Club: Tuesdays with Morrie

I am thrilled! I have just joined my first book club! A friend at work, Lindsey, invited me to join a book club that she is in. I absolutely love to read... so joining a book club is right up my alley! Lindsey mentioned it to me a few weeks ago. They have met a few times before, but were looking for some new members. I was honored that they asked me to join.

They are already chosen the book for the month of February, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. I read this book several, several years ago... I think maybe in college. I loved it and loved the "life lessons" that were shared throughout the book.

At book club we eat dinner and then discuss the book. One person, who is in charge for the month, brings questions then we discuss. It's a blast!

Tuesdays with Morrie is about a relationship between an older college professor and one of his students. The relationship dwindles after the young man graduates from college, but then is rekindled when he hears that his beloved teacher, Morrie,  is dying. Every Tuesday he makes the trip to visit his professor and they share life lessons together. One common thread that kept coming up in our discussion was Morrie's attitude. He remained so positive even though he was on his death bed. He found the good in everything and in every circumstance.

I highly recommend this book. It's an easy read and not too long!

At the end of book club, the host presents three books to read for the next month. Then everyone votes on what they would like to read. We voted for Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. I received his new book for Christmas, but haven't read it yet. So I am super excited! Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors!

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